Articles of Association of the Civic Association Sauna Bobor

Pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 Coll. on the Association of Citizens, as amended


Name and Headquarters

  1. The name of the civic association is Sauna Bobor (hereinafter referred to as the "Association").

  2. The Association is a voluntary, non-political, and non-partisan civic association operating within the territory of the Slovak Republic.

  3. The headquarters of the Association is:
    HradnΓ© ΓΊdolie 1994/1, 811 01 Bratislava-StarΓ© mesto.

  4. The Association is established for an indefinite period.



  1. The primary purpose of the Association is:

    1. Operating a community sauna and facilities for cold therapy for all members of the Association and carrying out activities related to its operation.

    2. Promoting awareness and providing information on proper sauna practices and cold therapy.



  1. Membership in the Association is voluntary. Any natural or legal person who agrees with the Articles of Association, internal rules, and terms of use of the facilities managed by the Association may become a member.

  2. The Association distinguishes between two types of membership:

    1. Full Member

    2. Affiliate Member

  3. A Full Member actively participates in operating the facilities managed by the Association.

  4. An Affiliate Member does not participate in the operation of the facilities.

  5. The Association maintains a registry of both Full and Affiliate Members.

  6. The Management Board decides on the acceptance of members based on an individual membership application and compliance with the conditions for either Full or Affiliate membership.

  7. The Management Board may also expel a member for: ceasing active participation in the Association, Violating the Articles of Association, or Behaving in a manner that damages the Association's reputation.

  8. Membership ends upon: Submission of a written resignation to the Chairperson, Expulsion by the Management Board, Death of the member, or Dissolution of the Association.


Rights and Duties of Regular and Associate Members

  1. Each member has the duty to comply with the statutes of the association, the internal regulations of the association, the operating rules of facilities managed by the association, and the decisions of the board of directors.

  2. Each member has the duty to pay an annual membership fee.

  3. Each member has the right to participate in the activities of the association to the extent corresponding to the relevant type of membership.

  4. Each member has the right to be informed about the activities of the association.

  5. Each member has the right to use facilities managed by the association, provided they comply with the conditions set by the association in the operating rules of the facilities and adhere to the internal regulations of the association.


Organizational Structure

  • The bodies of the association are

  • a. the assembly
    b. the board of directors
    c. the chairperson

  • The assembly is the highest body of the association. The assembly is a joint meeting of all regular members of the association.

  • The assembly is convened by the chairperson in electronic form at least 10 days in advance.

  • The first meeting of the assembly will take place on the 10th day after the registration of the association with the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic at the association's registered address.

  • The validity of the assembly's decisions requires the majority approval of the regular members present.

  • The assembly, in particular:

    1. decides on the members of the board of directors of the association;

    2. decides on the activity program of the association;

    3. proposes to the board of directors the appointment and dismissal of the chairperson of the association;

    4. decides on amendments to the articles of association, the dissolution of the association by voluntary liquidation, or its merger with another civic association;

    5. decides on the disposal of the association's assets upon its dissolution and on the appointment of a liquidator and the handling of the assets.

  • The assembly may also adopt decisions outside of its meeting (per rollam), in electronic form.

  • The board of directors is the representative, advisory, and supervisory body of the association. It is accountable to the assembly for its activities.

  • The board of directors consists of a minimum of three members. The members of the board are elected and dismissed by the assembly. Any individual meeting the conditions for regular membership in the association may be elected as a member of the board.

  • The validity of the board's decisions requires the majority approval of its members.

  • The board of directors, in particular:

    1. admits regular and associate members to the association;

    2. decides on the exclusion of individuals from membership in the association;

    3. decides on the amount of the membership fee;

    4. approves and revokes internal regulations of the association, including the operating rules of the facilities managed by the association;

    5. appoints and dismisses the chairperson of the association;

    6. provides feedback on the association's activities, submits suggestions, and opinions on the activities carried out by the association;

    7. approves the annual financial statement and tax return of the association;

    8. supervises the chairperson's activities and ensures that the association's goals are met;

    9. ensures the effective functioning of the association;

    10. assists with fundraising and the creation of resources for the sustainable operation of the association;

    11. protects and promotes the interests of the association.

  • The board of directors may also adopt decisions outside of its meetings (per rollam).

  • Membership in the board of directors terminates:

    1. by the resignation of a board member – either personally at a board meeting or by written resignation;

    2. by dismissal by the assembly of members of the association;

    3. by a decision of the board of directors to exclude a member from the association;

    4. by death;

    5. by the dissolution of the association;

    6. by the loss of legal capacity.

  • The chairperson is the statutory representative of the association.

  • The chairperson is responsible for managing and ensuring the activities of the association to the board of directors. They inform the board about their activities and are therefore invited to board meetings.

  • The chairperson is appointed and dismissed by the board of directors based on the proposal of the assembly.

  • The chairperson, in particular:

    1. is responsible for preparing the content of the association's internal regulations, including the operating rules of the facilities managed by the association;

    2. is responsible for fulfilling the association's goals;

    3. is responsible for the communication and marketing of the association;

    4. manages the activities and operations of the association, considering the recommendations of the assembly and the board of directors. The chairperson may delegate the management of some activities to other individuals, even on a long-term basis;

    5. manages and coordinates the work of any employees of the association, oversees the cooperation of the association with individuals working for the association under non-employment agreements and with legal entities;

    6. convenes the assembly and proposes its date and agenda;

    7. proposes the use of profits from supplementary business activities of the association to the board for approval;

    8. decides on all matters not assigned to other bodies by these articles of association.

  • The chairperson's function terminates:

    1. by resignation or withdrawal from the association, effective on the date specified in the written notice of resignation or withdrawal;

    2. by a decision of the board of directors to dismiss them from the function;

    3. by a decision of the board of directors to exclude them from the association;

    4. by death;

    5. by the dissolution of the association;

    6. by the loss of legal capacity.


    Principles of Financial Management

  1. The assets of the association consist primarily of membership fees, subsidies, grants, donations, and other income obtained in accordance with the articles of association and generally binding regulations.

  2. The association manages movable or, where applicable, immovable property that it owns or uses under a lease agreement.

  3. The assets and income of the association may be used to achieve the goals of the association and to ensure its own operations.

  4. The protection of assets, their record-keeping, and their management are carried out in accordance with generally binding regulations and are subject to the supervision of the assembly and the board of directors.

  5. In the event of the dissolution of the association, the assembly decides on the use of its assets by a majority vote of the regular members present.

  6. Decisions regarding financial management and the assumption of new obligations are made by the chairperson of the association.


Dissolution of the Association

  1. The association is dissolved by the decision of the assembly on voluntary dissolution or merger with another association.

  2. The dissolution of the association is decided by the assembly with a 3/5 majority of the present regular members of the association.

  3. In the case of voluntary dissolution, the assembly decides on the liquidator. The liquidator will settle the obligations of the association and handle the remaining assets according to the decision of the assembly. The liquidator will notify the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic about the dissolution and liquidation of the association within 15 days.


Final Provisions

  1. Details about the organization of the association are governed by the internal regulations of the association and all internal norms.

  2. The association is established by registration with the Ministry of the Interior, and the statutes come into effect on the day of registration.